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Many new refrigerators come with built-in water filters. Although these offer convenience and piece of mind, they do require periodic replacement to maintain their filtering abilities and to prevent other component malfunctions, like an icemaker where proper water flow is required at all times.

Unfortunately, each refrigerator manufacturer uses an internal filter unique to that manufacturer's product line alone and is not usually interchangeable with each other or with off the shelf replacements.

These are some of the internal filters the different manufacturers utilize in their refrigeration appliances.

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Frigidaire, White Westinghouse, Gibson, Tappan and Frigidaire built Kenmore

Frigidaire PureSourcePlus water filter fits Frigidaire, White Westinghouse, Gibson and Tappan brands

Frigidaire brands such as Frigidaire, White-Westinghouse, Gibson, Tappan and Frigidaire built Kenmores utilize the PureSourcePlus® water filter system. This WFCB filter is said to reduce lead, chlorine, particulates, and cysts to give ice and water better taste, odor, and clarity. Replacement for 5303917752, RC200, RC-200, Sears # 9906 and 04609906000

WF1CB energy compliant PureSource® water filter fits Frigidaire, White Westinghouse, Gibson and Tappan brands

Frigidaire brands built after April 2001 that have the energy compliant PureSource® water filter system use the WF1CB (that's WF #1 CB) filter. It may be noted by the different top and bottom canister coloring. Replacement for 218904602, Gibson 'Clean & Clear' II, RF-200, Sears # 9910 and 04609910000

A replacement filter housing O-Ring seal and removal/installation tool is also available for either of the above if the original gets worn, cracked or misplaced.

WF2CB PureSource2 water filter fits Frigidaire, White Westinghouse, Gibson and Tappan brands

The PureSource2 ice and water filtration system is used on Frigidaire built models that filter the water for both the icemaker and water dispenser. The replacement dual filter cartridge is number WF2CB.

This filter is said to reduce lead, chlorine, particulates, and cysts to give better taste, odor, and clarity to both ice cubes and water fountain. Replacement for FC-100, NGFC-2000, 240396406, Sears # 9911, 9916, 04609911000 and 04609916000 and Electrolux Icon Pure Advantage™ filter # 241527301 and 240396405.

General Electric, HotPoint, RCA
and GE built Kenmore

Culligan filter for General Electric, HotPoint, RCA and GE built Kenmore refrigerators

GE SmartWater® 'Slim Replacement' water filter is used on current GE, HotPoint, RCA fridges using the 'Twist Lock' filter mounting system like the electronically controlled Arctica and Profile models. Replaces GSWF and Sears # 9914, 04609914000.

General Electric "SmartWater" MWF water filter

General Electric SmartWater® MWF water filter is used on GE, HotPoint, RCA and General Electric built Kenmore refrigerators using the high pressure water system. Plus can be used on all previous GE SmartWater® filter systems. Replaces GWF01, GWF06, GWF and Sears # 9905 and 04609905000.

When used with an optional adaptor (shown installed), this filter can replace the original GE 'Water by Culligan' FXRC, FXRT, HXRT and MXRC water filters.

Maytag, Jenn-Air, Magic Chef, Admiral, Norge

Maytag EDR7D1 "PuriClean" filter for Mayatg, Jenn Air, Magic Chef, Admiral, Norge refrigerators

The new Maytag PuriClean® EDR7D1U cartridge replaces filters both with and without filter change indicator light used on Maytag, Jenn Air, Magic Chef, Admiral, Kenmore and Norge side-by-side refrigerators.

Replaces UKF6001AXX, UKF7001AXX, KF7003AXX and UKF7002AXX, UKF7003AXXP (2-pack), Sears # 04609007000, 46-9007, 9007 and can also be used as a replacement for filter number UKF5001AXX and also as a replace cartridge for the optional Maytag in-line water filter kit number 61004737.

Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Kenmore and Roper

Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Kenmore, Roper and Inglis interior-mount SxS water filter

This water filter number 8171413 mounts inside a Whirlpool built side-by-side refrigerator and replaces filter number 2204326 and 2206048 that may be listed in the owner's manual. Replacement for NL-200, Sears # 9002 and 04609002000.

For special needs, Water Cyst filter number 8171414 can be used as a replacement for the above. Replacement for NLC-200.

Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Kenmore, Roper and Inglis SxS front access water filter

Front access water filter replacement cartridge number 4396508 is used on Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Kenmore, Roper and Inglis side-by-side refrigerator models. Reduces bad taste, odor, lime scale buildup, chlorine, dirt and rust from your water and ice.

Replaces 4396163, 4392857, NL-300, L-500 and Kenmore # 9902 and 04609902000

This filter will eventually be replaced by 4396508 which also replaces 4396547, Sears 46-9010, 9010 and 04609010000.

Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Kenmore, Roper and Inglis SxS front access water filter

Front access water filter cartridge number EDR5RXD1 is similar in style to the above but removes added impurities plus cysts.

Replaces 4396510, 4392922, Kenmore # 9908, 04609908000, 46-9908 and can also be used as an alternate on any fridge using the 4396508, 4392857, 4396163, NL-300, L-500, Kenmore # 9902 and 04609902000 filters.

Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Kenmore, Roper and Inglis SxS front access water filter

Whirlpool, KitchenAid, Kenmore PUR® water filter cartridge number 4396710 is the most recent front access fridge water filter used.

Replaces 4396710B, 4396711, T1RFWB2, T1WB2, TIWB2L, Sears # 9020, 04609020000, 46-9020, 9030 and 9030B

*For Whirlpool and KitchenAid bottom-freezer models,
see Amana PuriClean II filter below.

Amana Water Filter

Amana "Clean

Amana's Clean 'n Clear® refrigerator water filter part number 12527304 replaces filter numbers WF-40, 12388401, 67003634, R0130021, R0130022 and Sears # 12527305, 9014, 04609014000.

May also be purchased in packages of 2 and 3 (numbers 12527307, 12527308, 67003274, 67003633 and 12527309, 67003632 respectively) usually at a slightly reduced price.

Amana Clean \'n Clear/PuriClean II refrigerator water filter

For 2001+ model Amana fridges is the slender design Clean 'n Clear®/PuriClean II water filter number UKF8001AXX which replaces WF-50, 12589203, 12589206, 12589208, 67002269, 67002671, 67003523, 67003591, 67003640, Sears # 67003526, 67003527, 67003528, 9005, 04609005000, 9006, 04609006000 and Whirlpool/KitchenAid bottom freezer 8171032, 4396395.

LG SxS Refrigerator Water Filter

LG SxS Refrigerator Water Filter Cartridge 5231JA2002A

5231JA2002A water filter cartridge fits LG and Atag side by side refrigerators with internal water cartridge (see illustration).

Replaces part numbers 5231JA2002A-S, CNZ5231JA2002A and T2004CNZ1648-0019.

  • Other LG (Lucky/Goldstar) parts Click Here
  • Samsung Refrigerator Water Filter

    Samsung Refrigerator Water Filter Cartridge DA29-00003G

    DA29-00003G 'Aqua-Pure' filter cartridge fits Samsung refrigerator models with internal water filter.

    Replaces old part numbers DA29-00003A, DA29-00003B and DA61-00159A.

  • Other Samsung parts Click Here

  • Add-on Water Filters

    If your model refrigerator doesn't have a built-in water filter, an external one can be added to your existing water supply line to help improve the quality, clarity and taste of ice cubes and chilled water that is dispensed. Various styles and sizes are available in ready to install kits.

    GE's WR97X214R QuadraKleen add-on water filer kit

    General Electric's GXRTQ QuadraKleen add-on water filer kit improves the taste and clarity of drinking water or ice cubes and features a quick disconnect system for easing filter cartridge replacement. Contains necessary hardware to install into an existing water supply line. Replaces kit number WR97X214R

    Related Links

    Frigidaire PureSourcePlus® water filer cartridge - WFCB
    (replaces 5303917752, RC-200, Sears # 46-9906)

    Frigidaire WF1CB PureSource® water filter
    (replaces Kenmore # 46-9910, 04609910000)

    Frigidaire WF2CB PureSource2 water filter
    (replaces 46-9911, 46-9916, 04609911000)

    GE SmartWater® 'Slim Replacement' filter - GSWF
    (replaces GSWF, 46-9914, 04609914000)

    G.E SmartWater® water filter - GWF
    (replaces GWF01, GWF06, 46-9905, 04609905000)

      - Optional adaptor for use with GWF filter to replace:
    'Culligan' *metal* filter FXRC, FXRT, HXRT, MXRC

    Maytag PuriClean® filter cartridge - EDR7D1
    (for models with or without filter indicator light)

    Whirlpool water filter - 8171413
    (replaces 2204326, NL-200, Sears # 46-9002)

    Whirlpool front access water filter - 4396508
    (replaces NL-300, L-500 and Sears # 46-9902)

    Whirlpool front access cyst water filter - EDR5RXD1
    (replaces 4396510, 4392922, Sears # 9908 and 46-9908)

    Whirlpool PUR® front access water filter - 4396710
    (replaces 4396711, T1RFWB2, Sears # 9020, 46-9020)

    Whirlpool bottom-freezer refrigerators made by Amana
    (replaces Whirlpool/KitchenAid 8171032, 4396395)

    Amana's Clean 'n Clear® water cartridge - 12527304
    (replaces WF40, 67003634, Sears # 46-9014)

    Amana's Clean 'n Clear®/PuriClean II - UKF8001AXX
    (replaces WF50, 12589208, Sears 46-9005, 46-9006)
    (replaces Jenn Air 67002269, 67003523)
    (replaces Whirlpool/KitchenAid 8171032, 4396395)

    LG/Atag Water Filter Cartridge - 5231JA2002A
    (replaces 5231JA2002A-S and CNZ5231JA2002A)

    Samsung Water Filter Cartridge - DA29-00003B
    (replaces DA29-00003A, DA29-00003B, DA61-00159A)

    GE QuadraKleen add-on water filer kit - GXRTQ

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